LarKC - The Large Knowledge Collider

The aim of LarKC is to go beyond the limited storage, querying and inference technology that is currently available for semantic computing. The fundamental assumption is a suitable reasoning infrastructure for the Semantic Web must go beyond the current paradigms that are strictly based on logic. By fusing reasoning (in the sense of logic) with search (in the sense of information retrieval), and taking seriously the notion of limited rationality (in the sense of Herbert Simon), we will obtain the paradigm shift that is required for reasoning at Web scale.


The IRF is part of the large consortium, whose ultimate vision for LarKC is:

  • To build an integrated platform for semantic computing on a scale well beyond what is currently possible. The platform will fulfill needs in sectors that are dependent on massive heterogeneous information sources such as telecommunication services, bio-medical research, and drug-discovery.
  • The platform will have a pluggable architecture in which it is possible to exploit techniques and heuristics from diverse areas such as databases, machine learning, cognitive science, Semantic Web, and others.
  • The platform will be implemented on a computing cluster and via “computing at home”, and will be available to researchers and practitioners from outside the consortium to run their own experiments and applications, using suitable plug-in components.



The project started in April 2008. The IRF joined the consortium in October 2008 and will continue until the project ends in September 2011.



STI Innsbruck (Coordinator)

AstraZeneca R&D

CEFRIEL S.c.r.l.


High Performance Computing Center

Max-Planck Institute for Human Development

Ontotext Lab

Saltlux Inc

Siemens AG

University of Sheffield

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Web Intelligence Institute

World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer





Mihai Lupu: